Seven Messgeräte
Seven Messgeräte


Seven Messgeräte

Benchtop meters

SevenCompact and SevenExcellence are the new pH / ion meters from METTLER TOLEDO. While SevenCompact is characterized by easy operation and an excellent price / performance ratio, SevenExcellence is professional equipment for the laboratory based on a modular concept. The plug-in-modules allow the user to equip the meter with the desired functions. The touch screen operation adjusts automatically. The corresponding electrode holder with perfectly vertical displacement (uPlace™-kinematics) brings the electrode into the best work position. The complete system guarantees highly efficient, accurate and reliable measurements in the laboratory.

Client / Manufacturer

Mettler Toledo AG

Greifensee, CH
Multiple S. A. Global Design

Multiple S. A. Global Design

La Chaux-de-Fonds, CH