SHIMANO 105 R7000
SHIMANO 105 R7000
SHIMANO 105 R7000
SHIMANO 105 R7000


SHIMANO 105 R7000

Road bike components

Shimano Inc.

Shimano 105 R7000 bicycle components support various rider activities, from long-distance touring to serious racing. It features hollow-forged aluminum crank arms for weight saving and a hydraulic brake system. The R7000 includes the dual-control shift/brake lever designed for smaller hands with the shallowest possible grip angle and partially elongated form for easier grip. The sharp and aggressive appearance with metallic brightness touches the hearts of riders wishing to go faster and further. R7000 supports riders with a drive to take on new challenges.

Date of Launch
Development Time
25 - 36 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: Global
Target Groups
Consumer / User