Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell
Siegmund Welding Cell


Siegmund Welding Cell

Welding Cell

Welding shops are among the dirtiest, least attractive and health-damaging jobs in metal construction. The Siegmund company has set itself the goal of refreshing the tarnished image with simple and inexpensive means and making the working environment interesting, health-friendly, clean and attractive, especially for young metalworkers. The new welding cell offers the user a simple and cost-effective entry into robot-assisted automation and series production. It is made up of components from a modular system and can therefore be configured individually and also expanded at a later date. The system is compatible with many robots on the market.

Client / Manufacturer

Bernd Siegmund GmbH

Augsburg, DE
Selic Industriedesign

Selic Industriedesign

Augsburg, DEMario Selic
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Trade / Industry