Tatung University
People whose hands tremble (Parkinson’s disease or the elderly) often have difficulties when inserting a key into a lock to lock or unlock a door. This can also be a problem for anyone when it’s dark. This system uses a different shape for the keyhole; it looks like a funnel. If you want to open the door, all you have to do is to put the key into the part around keyhole and push it straight in. The key will then slide easily into the keyhole.
Thanks for the assistance and support of our teachers in department of industrial design in Tatung university and also the lead of teacher Po-Ying Chu. They help us to win the iF award just in our third year in university. We are truly happy when knowing the news. Sincerely thanks for the judges again.
Client / ManufacturerTatung University
Taipei, TWTatung University
Taipei, TWTatung University
Tatung University