Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set
Smart cooking set


Smart cooking set

Cooking set

Hangzhou ROBAM Applicances Co., Ltd.

The digital smart cooking system is equipped with ROKI smart cooking curve, which can link the products in the set in all rounds, bringing a new cooking experience. For users' daily problems of not knowing what to eat, how to cook and how to share recipes, this smart cooking set provides a complete set of solutions including personalized recipe recommendation before cooking; fully automatic stir-frying, open fire temperature control, and data recording during cooking; automatic recipe generation after cooking, one-click sharing, and cross-device restoration of the production process.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users