Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment
Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment


Smart photovoltaic power generation equipment

Photovoltaic power generator

Guangzhou Sanjing Electric CO., LTD.

This system consists of photovoltaic inverters and modular energy storage battery packs to provide solar power for homes or business places. From appearance to function and interaction, this system considers a wide range of features, from installation to maintenance to the complete usage journey.

Client / Manufacturer
Guangzhou Sanjing Electric CO., LTD.

Guangzhou Sanjing Electric CO., LTD.

Guangzhou, CN

Guangzhou Daye Product Design

Guangzhou, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry, Public Sector Government