SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin
SmartThings TV Plugin


SmartThings TV Plugin

Mobile UI

Samsung Elecronics Co. Ltd.

The SmartThings TV Plugin enables users to have a differentiated experience in a wide variety of entertainment activities with the TV from the user’s perspective, such as enjoying media content, playing games, listening to music, making video calls, etc., using mobile devices within the SmartThings ecosystem, a smart home platform. In order to provide a fast and user-friendly TV experience, we have innovated the mobile remote experience and enhanced the convenience and ease of use to ensure that the search and input can be seamlessly applied to the TV.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, "Everyone with a Samsung TV"