Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center
Source Hub Home Control Center


Source Hub Home Control Center

Home control panel

Source hub meets all users’ needs for home control through a smart panel. The product simplifies the control interface into a unified modular combination, and internally integrates KNX, RS485, ZigBee, WiFi, and other communication modules, giving users great freedom of choice. Users can customize the specific life scene mode, and realize all step settings through one touch. The clear design language and customizable user interface improve visual recognition of the product and make it perfectly adapted to the home environment.

Client / Manufacturer

HDL Automation Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou, CN

HDL Automation Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User