Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach
Splitty Reach


Splitty Reach

LED desk lamp

Koncept Inc.

Splitty Reach offers even more flexibility than the original Splitty desk lamp, thanks to its double arm and special joint mechanism. Bend and rotate the LED light source to aim the light precisely where it is needed. A 1A USB port is located in the lower body to charge phones, tablets, and other compatible devices. Splitty Reach Pro features a 2A USB and occupancy sensor that powers off the lamp after 15 minutes of no activity. Both versions of Splitty Reach feature a 9-hour auto-shutoff mechanism, which maximizes energy efficiency. Desk mounting, wall mounting, and alternative bases are available, which are hard to find in the task light market.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry