SR Cargo
SR Cargo
SR Cargo
SR Cargo


SR Cargo

Transportation system

Using the technology of autonomous transport systems, the Silk Road Cargo concept restructures intermodal freight transport. Particularly interesting is the transport of goods of high value or with temperature sensitivity, which have to reach their destination in under two weeks. The concept is based on a modular system of wagons, which can be loaded as sea containers and high-speed containers. By eliminating maneuvering and due to the flexibility of assembling the wagon groups, rail freight becomes more efficient and can be an alternative to road freight.


Silk Road Cargo makes the transport of sensitive goods more efficient thanks to its sophisticated logistics. It has the potential to replace sea or air transport in the long term, as it is fast, safe, environmentally friendly, and possibly cheaper. This is how the future of freight transport could look like.


Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel

Kiel, DE

Julian Dahl

Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Kiel