Market cart
Stand Cart provides a variety of cart solutions in a single design. It was inspired by the sight – common in Korea – of elderly people sitting by the roadside in discomfort selling fruit, grains and vegetables. As our society continues to age, designers need to turn their attention to supporting the activities of the elderly – including economic activities. The Stand Cart is designed to serve multiple functions and improve convenience. Both panels of the cart can be unfolded to be used as a stand. By simply rotating the knob, it is easily converted into a sturdy and comfortable chair.
This is a fascinating concept: a cart that turns into a display stand. It can also be locked in place for extended in-situ use. This ingenious device supports a variety of uses connected to informal market selling.
WINNER STATEMENTThank you for acknowledging the value of my design. In the future, we will try to develop more and more such ideas by studying the best design. Thank you! Today I will celebrate by drinking liquor until the sun rises!