Standing Broom
Standing Broom
Standing Broom
Standing Broom


Standing Broom


Cleaners usually put their brooms up against a wall or on the floor to rest while cleaning. This is not always convenient, when there is no wall handy, for example. And it’s also tiring to have to bend over to pick the broom up again. Standing Broom can stand up by itself, which means that you don’t have to stoop down to pick it up and you don’t need to rest it up against anything. All you have to do is to put pressure downward on the handle, then turn the handle clockwise to lock the base into place. To unlock the broom from its standing position, turn the handle counter-clockwise on the block and snap it back into a vertical position.


Design for living - selected by Charles O. Job A simple motion converts the broom handle into a stand, because a free standing broom needs no wall to lean on!

Client / Manufacturer

National Chiao Tung University

Hsinchu, TW

National Chiao Tung University

Hsinchu, TW

National Chiao Tung University

National Chiao Tung University