Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow
Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow
Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow
Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow
Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow
Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow
Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow
Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow


Struggly - A different Way to Learn Think and Grow

Education, Kids, Learning, Mathematics, Website

Over the last decade, student math achievement has steadily decreased according to the National Assessment for Educational Progress. Today, only 37% of 4th grade students in the U.S. meet the minimum standards for mathematical proficiency. Although Ed tech has been around for years, it has yet to deliver – too often, new digital solutions still rely on old learning methods. If we want to see improved outcomes in student achievement, we have to start with them. And that was the starting point for the development and launch of Struggly.

iF Gold Statement

This unique digital learning platform teaches children mathematics in a fun and effortless way. Rather than focusing on solving math problems, this approach emphasizes the higher-order skills of strategizing, creativity, and persistence. The design was influenced by the findings of neuroscience and pedagogy. Great learning tools harness children’s innate love of play.
Client / Manufacturer

Boggl Inc.

Austin, US
denkwerk gmbh

denkwerk gmbh

Köln, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, Asia
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, "Kids, Parents, Teachers"