Sunmi OS
Sunmi OS
Sunmi OS
Sunmi OS


Sunmi OS

Operation System

Shanghai SUNMI Technology Co., Ltd.

SUNMI OS is an Android-based operation system for professional devices. It has been deeply optimized & improved. The software developer uploads and an end user can download simply, using an Android mobile phone. When equipped with SUNMI OS, commercial devices become even more powerful. Built-in independent operating modules leave more screen space for business apps, and interactive left & right layout is applied to avoid frequent jumps and makes operation efficient. One-click installation becomes possible with screen domination mode. SUNMI OS has powered millions of devices for 12,000+ partners in 100+ countries and continues to serve the commercial IoT.

Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Specific sub-group: retail business, industry, restaurant.