Swimming Learning Aid
Swimming Learning Aid
Swimming Learning Aid
Swimming Learning Aid


Swimming Learning Aid

Swimming apparatus

This is a modularized Swimming Learning Aid that can adjust the buoyancy coefficient according to different users' weight and demand. Beginners can adjust to the large buoyancy coefficient, and with the continuous improvement of swimming learning they can reduce the coefficient to cooperate with the swimming learning. The arc- shaped design of belt conforms to Ergonomics and makes people feel comfortable.


This is perhaps one of the best entries. It provides the solution that takes into account the usability for infants to adults. It is an aesthetic solution that is modular and would serve as a swimming learning aid for a large group of users and is suitable and appropriate for developing societies and especially for socio-economically deprived children.


This is exciting news, and it's a great honor to receive this award. In the future, looking forward to the next breakthrough, we will work harder and strive to go further on design.


Changsha University of Science & Technology

Hunan Changsha, CN

Ling Yang

Changsha University of Science & Technology

Zhongyang Zhang

Changsha University of Science & Technology