Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems
Taipei Zoo Signage Systems


Taipei Zoo Signage Systems

Zoo Signage Systems

By applying the subtraction philosophy to reorganize the messy indicators and notices in the park, we design the geometric line style to outline slightly interesting animal pattern symbols. In terms of color, the relevant color tone is extracted based on the representative animals and habitats of different display areas. The patterns of the information signs are based on the common international index symbols, by drawing a relatively full and rounded model to deliver the intimacy of the park service. The prohibition signs are made with hard modeling to deliver the message that visitors are expected to follow these symbol indicators.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users