Tap Out - Battery Package
Sustainable Consumption Improving Waste Management
Tap Out is a battery package designed for safe storage of used batteries. This prevents used and potentially hazardous batteries from ending up misplaced, either at home or in the wrong trash bin. It also makes it easy for the user to keep track of which batteries are used and which are unused. Tap Out has the potential to prevent waste and significant environmental hazards where improperly disposed batteries can lead to substantial environmental risks in nature and at recycling stations. The product is multifunctional and shows how we can rethink packaging in innovative ways. It also raises consumers' awareness about recycling.
Tap Out revolutionizes battery packaging, ensuring safe storage and easy tracking of used batteries, mitigating environmental hazards and promoting recycling awareness. Its simplicity exemplifies innovative packaging design.
WINNER STATEMENTTo receive recognition at this level for my own work means a lot to my self-confidence as a design student. I am very happy and grateful for this award. It inspires me to continue developing design concepts for a more sustainable future!
UNIVERSITYThe Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Oslo, NO