Tate Gallery
Dayfinding app
Tate Gallery
How can you get the most out of a visit to Tate? With over 200 exhibitions and activities in four locations, wayfinding can be a challenge. So we proposed a "dayfinding" app. An app that asks "What do you feel like doing?" and easily takes you there. It gives you suggestions based on where you are and what’s happening right now. Beacons make it location and context aware. If you want to know more about art in the room around you, it's one simple tap away. Exclusive audio from artists and curators enrich your encounter with art. Part of Bloomberg Connects: interactive digital projects that use technology to revolutionize the visitor experience.
iF Gold Statement
This concept is exceptional because of the consistent focus on each user and his or her individual needs. A user selects the length of a museum visit and chooses from a selection customized to the timeframe. The interactive analysis leads to a great user experience. What stands out is the creative approach with which the contexts and spaces are addresed and implemented with regards to needs.
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User