Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant
Taxi Smart Assistant


Taxi Smart Assistant

Taxi Intelligent Terminal


Traditionally, taxis find passengers by simply driving along, and this old-fashioned way of operating usually has an idling rate of over 40%, leading to a series of problems, such as low driver income, high fuel consumption, and serious urban pollutions. The Taxi Smart Assistant is the industry's first in-vehicle product equipped with intelligent cruising functions which, with taxi equipment linkage, can help drivers operate more efficiently and increase their revenue.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Public Sector / Government