Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds
Teams backgrounds


Teams backgrounds

Product backgrounds

Microsoft Corporation

Virtual backgrounds were introduced to Microsoft Teams in 2020, but COVID changed the way we work. New needs emerged, and we saw virtual backgrounds as an opportunity to foster connection and expression with our users. Leveraging research, human insights, and a unique brand point-of-view, we identified needs and designed to solve them. As hybrid work becomes the norm, people depend on virtual experiences to accomplish tasks, collaborate with peers, and express themselves. Moving from basic wallpapers to spaces designed for users' emotional and functional needs, backgrounds moved from “pretty pictures” to workspaces that influence experiences.

Client / Manufacturer
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation

Redmond, US
Microsoft Brand Studio

Microsoft Brand Studio

Redmond, WA, US

Microsoft Teams Creative Squad

Redmond, WA, US

Agency partners

Redmond, WA, USSO DSGN, Twisted Poly, Makeshift Studios, Not Real, O0
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users