The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House
The After House


The After House

Residential & studio

Shanshih design

This project is located in a rural area, and the Sanheyuan (one courtyard surrounded with three houses is typology of Taiwanese traditional residence) on the site was left by the designer's great-grandmother, and has been unused for about 70 years, so we restored it and created a new space for it. The "After house" has been built on the other side of the courtyard. It shares the courtyard with the Sanheyuan, connects this historical type of residence with a variety of living styles. We hoped to create a space where life and work could intermingle and flexibly adapt to future changes.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users