The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag
The Age Bag


The Age Bag


The accessories sector has not provided enough good design in recent years — right now, consumers need to choose between price, style, and sustainability, and they deserve better. Atelier 37 spent more than a year designing the handbag that they couldn’t find on the market. At every step of the production process, they innovated a new playbook, from sourcing 100 percent traceable, natural materials and minimizing the use of plastic fillers to engineering an entirely new structured shape (patent-pending) that is made to stand the test of time, wear, and weather.

Client / Manufacturer

Advene Atelier 37, Inc.

New York, US

Advene Atelier 37, Inc.

New York, US
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User