The Cave
Inflatable tent
Heimplanet Entwicklungs GmbHA new tent experience with a built-in feel good factor. Heimplanets The Cave offers the most efficient and stable structure an inflatable geodesic dome. We call it the IDG the Inflatable Diamond Grid. It is built by five identical pieces, which can be separated. This ensures stability even in the case of damages and an easy replacement. Pitching takes less than a minute get it out of the bag, pump it up and you are ready to feel at home with no parts to put together anymore. Its round ground design offers space for three to sleep and up to five to sit together. Due to the IDG, The Cave is stable in wind speeds up to 120 km/h.
Client / Manufacturer

Heimplanet Entwicklungs GmbH
Hamburg, DE
Noto GmbH
Köln, DE