The last hug
THE LAST HUG is a shroud bag that is designed to respect the deceased and offer comfort to their relatives. In major natural disasters, there is often insufficient time to deal with human remains in a respectful and dignified manner. Priority is usually given to pragmatic factors such as avoiding the transmission of disease. This robust foldable bag seals the body from view and contact, protecting the identity of the deceased and giving psychological comfort to their families.
This carefully designed body bag provides a practical resource for rescuers while also protecting the dignity of the deceased and their relatives.
WINNER STATEMENTI am greatly honored and deeply grateful for the recognition of my design by the jury of the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD. This is an extremely exciting moment for me.
UNIVERSITYLiaoning Petrochemical University
Fushun, CN
Yiming He
Liaoning Petrochemical University
Jiajun Lin
Liaoning Petrochemical University