The Pond
Wall Mirror
I was inspired by the story of Narcissus in Greek mythology. Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection and kept trying in vain to touch it. The gesture of touching one’s own reflection was the inspiration behind my work. The shape of the mirror is reminiscent of a small pond and you can rotate the mirror by touching it. Part of "The Pond" can be positioned at different angles and fixed in place by two magnets inside the mirror. These magnets, which can hold up to 52kg, allow the mirror to move in a stable and safe way. As a result, we can look into a mirror from various angles.
The clear and simple style can offer individuals more convenience when they freshen up.
WINNER STATEMENTI'm very happy to win this award. Thank you!
UNIVERSITYBurg Giebichenstein, Kunsthochschule Halle
Halle(Saale), DEBurg Giebichenstein, Kunsthochschule Halle