The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park
The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park


The Smart Management Platform of Zero Carbon Park

Energy management platform

Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd.

This platform is a 3D digital twin system powered by AI to facilitate the smart management of carbon and energy. The platform solves the problems of isolated data islands and uncoupled carbon flow and energy flow. The system features immersive data presentation, AI-assisted decision-making, and cost-effective multi-functional scheduling. It enables a zero-carbon panoramic solution supported by a company's own ecology that helps reduce costs, increase efficiency and realize carbon neutrality. Moreover, the platform can also be used in practical application scenarios.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry, Public Sector Government