The Transformation and Rebirth of Zihli Bookstore
The Transformation and Rebirth of Zihli Bookstore
The Transformation and Rebirth of Zihli Bookstore
The Transformation and Rebirth of Zihli Bookstore


The Transformation and Rebirth of Zihli Bookstore

Interior Design Architecture

The Transformation and Rebirth of Zihli Bookstore responds to the issue of traditional bookstores being replaced by chain bookstores and online bookstores. The Zihli Bookstore had a deep connection with the history of Keelung, Taiwan. The design concept of this project is to reuse idle space to connect local stories, environmental features, and reading experiences. By constructing a spatial atmosphere, the designers foregrounded the symbiotic characteristic between the traditional bookstore and its locality.


It is truly inspirational to explore this new concept of a bookstore. The team worked on every detail from picking a special bookstore with a lot of history to the execution at every level.


Chung Yuan Christian University

Chung Li, TW

Tai-An Lin

Chung Yuan Christian University