Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube
Ticktime Cube


Ticktime Cube

A Time Timer

Ticktime Cube is a compact and convenient timer. Unlike traditional timers, Ticktime Cube can be flipped over for quick timekeeping. The fingerprint touch module on each side gives more time options. User can activate Pomodoro Technique cycle timekeeping to manage time easily and efficiently. Ticktime Cube measures only 1/4 of an adult’s palm size and weighs only 54 g. It is also magnetically adhered to furniture, appliances or desks at any time. The compact size and magnetic adhesion confer its ease-of-use feature in more scenarios.

Client / Manufacturer

Shenzhen Green Giant Energy Technology Development Co.,Ltd

Shenzhen, CN

Shenzhen Green Giant Energy Technology Development Co.,Ltd

Shenzhen, CNHong Mian
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users