Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel
Time Travel


Time Travel


For the Humen TOD project, we created a set of art installations to visualize time and space. They convey humankind's desire to explore the unknown universe. "Polymerization" is an attempt to visualize a Black Hole using a highly reflective metal grid matrix. Time slows down or even stopped under the attraction of a black hole. If it can be seen, then time might be like a light belt hanging and extending infinitely. "Tunnel" is a wormhole woven by light, connecting two instances of time and space. It is a fantasy conjecture of mankind. Standing in front of this installation, we want observers to ask themselves: can we go through it and explore the mystery of time?

Client / Manufacturer

Poly Real Estate

Dongguan, CN
ToThree Design Co., Ltd

ToThree Design Co., Ltd

Shenzhen, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User