Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse
Tongling Recluse


Tongling Recluse

Historical residential building renovation

The Tongling Recluse was originally a mixed style dwelling that had been badly damaged. For the layout, we added a bay in the west and one in the south-north. The traditional folding roof and a streamline were combined into one, reflecting a Taoist saying that “the number three generates everything”. The previous walls shaped the main space, which have now become interior partitions. Original old bricks were used to rebuild the wall after the new foundation was poured. The building is a response to the values of local culture and eco-sustainability.

Client / Manufacturer


Beijing, CN

RSAA / Büro Ziyu Zhuang

Beijing, CN

Tongling Recluse

Tongling, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
Other duration: 45 days.
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Public Sector / Government