Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest
Traces of the rainforest


Traces of the rainforest

Permanent exhibition

Rainforests cover just 6% of our planet’s land mass, but are home to well over half of all animal and plant species. Yet these forests are under threat: each day, vast areas are cleared to make way for monocultures. The exhibition in the Alfred Brehm building should get visitors of all ages excited about the diversity of the rainforests while raising awareness of the threats they face. Traces of the rainforest often end up in our everyday products, so the exhibition aims to inform consumer choices. At various discovery stations, visitors uncover the reasons for deforestation and are prompted to rethink their actions to help solve the problem.

Client / Manufacturer

Tierpark Berlin

Berlin, DE
stories within architecture GmbH

stories within architecture GmbH

Berlin, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Other target groups: Visitors of the Berlin Tierpark