Tube-Feeding System
In Sweden there are around 1500-3000 adults who are dependent on tube-feeding at home. Tube-feeding is applied when you are unable to eat solid food and need to get liquid nutrients into your body through a tube. Tubie is a wearable tube-feeding system for an active, spontaneous and social everyday life. The product family consists of a nutrition pump and a wireless charger, a nutrition bag and tube, as well as of a wearable waist band. Optional shoulder straps are also included. The compact-sized pump, as well as the shape and placement of the nutrition bag allow for simpler, more active and discreet usage.
Very elegant and good solution that dosen't stigmitaise the user. Nice and convincing presentation of the idea and concept.
UNIVERSITYUmeå Institute of Design – Umeå Uni
Umeå, SE
Umeå Institute of Design – Umeå Uni