tutu  Half-Cone Collar
tutu  Half-Cone Collar
tutu  Half-Cone Collar
tutu  Half-Cone Collar
tutu  Half-Cone Collar
tutu  Half-Cone Collar
tutu  Half-Cone Collar
tutu  Half-Cone Collar


tutu Half-Cone Collar

elizabethan collar for pet

tutu Collar is a brand-new design pets’ cone collar (aka elizabethan collar) for its innovative shapes and structure. Cone collar is a necessary product in pet life, to avoid them licking or biting their body and causing more serious wounds. This is a pet daily necessity that almost every pet owner has used experience. As pet industry insider and pet owner, we found that the cone collar in the existing market have some disadvantages. This is where we decided to redesign a new cone collar. Our goal is to make a balance between protective effect and comfort, hope pet could have a better and healthy life.

Client / Manufacturer

tutu Pet Lifestyle

New Taipei City, TW

nessdesign. Co., Ltd.

New Taipei City, TWChao-Wei Sun , Hsin-Hua Yeh
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
North America, Asia, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users