Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control
Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control


Ulee-kitchen mixer with smart control


Bravat (China) GmbH

Ulee is such an elegant and pure mixer with an iconic minimalist U-shape. It aims to combine the function with the interaction, set the control knob on the front end, enhances the convenience. Its stepless adjustment technology, let users achieve temperature quickly and precisely. Original design provides a stylish and colorful surface to meet different kitchen styles.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users