United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media
United Nations Media


United Nations Media

Series of Multimedia Websites

The United Nations Media website is the archive of our world. It is a series of websites that allow the general public to browse and view all the videos, audio recordings, and photos created by the UN since its founding, giving them unprecedented access to the public for understanding its work throughout its history. The new user experience is designed to fulfill the needs of our audiences, including the general public who desired to be engaged and involved with the global efforts of the UN, the media professionals who wanted to report and spread its messages, and internal UN officials who needed an accurate record of their work.

Client / Manufacturer

United Nations, Department of Global Communications, News and Media Division

New York, US

Madelena Mak Design

Brooklyn, NY, USMadelena Mak
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Public Sector / Government