Universal Hand Dryer
Hand Dryer
The Universal Hand Dryer features upper and lower vents that can be accessed from any direction. The majority of hand dryers in public restrooms are installed at high positions, making them difficult to use for children and those in a wheelchair. On the contrary, if they are installed too low, they can be uncomfortable for tall users as they need to bend down in order to dry their hands. The Universal Hand Dryer is able to dry anyone’s hands, regardless of the installation height. The dryer is designed so that wind circulates around the central console, allowing users to dry their hands from any position.
This concept is a good example of solving a functional problem with a simple and iconic design. Form follows function.
WINNER STATEMENTI was really surprised when I learned that I had received an iF STUDENT DESIGN AWARD 2016. Winning this award has been the happiest experience since I started in design. Thank you!
UNIVERSITYKookmin University
Seoul, KR