V series 10D
V series 10D
V series 10D
V series 10D


V series 10D

Kitchen appliance series

Vatti Gas Appliance Stock Co., Ltd.

The V series 10D is a unique and consistent product family featuring Hood, Cooker and Sterilizer. The Hood has a tilted interface area to facilitate user’s access and to focus the light on the Cooker. Chinese cooking habits means a lot of oil, therefore this product is equipped with a unique auto-cleaning function to clean the inside of the Hood from accumulated oil and dirt. It also has an easy to use oil collector which stores excess oil, prevent from dripping back into the food. The Cooker has a wide ceramic base and cast iron pan stands, it also takes full advantage of Vatti’s twisting fire technology making it every cook’s favorite tool.

Client / Manufacturer
Vatti Gas Appliance Stock Co., Ltd.

Vatti Gas Appliance Stock Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou 528416, CN

CBD Group Corp.

Beijing 100125, CN