Konkuk University industrial design
Vibering is created to enable deaf people to sense noises that are emitted in the rear. It is almost impossible for the hearing-impaired to detect noises behind themselves and beyond their sight. For example, they fail to take notice of a vehicle's horn somewhere at the back or a friend's alarming cry; this often results in an exposure of unforeseen emergencies. Vibering consists of two rings and a wristwatch. The ring enables the bearer to feel its vibration when there are any specific noises at the rear. The noise-detective signal of the ring is set to identify precise information from the wristwatch window at the same time.
Client / ManufacturerUNIVERSITYWINNER
Konkuk University industrial design
Seoul, KRSungshin Womens University
Seoul, KRSungshin Womens University
Seoul, KRKonkuk University industrial design
Sungshin Womens University
Kwang-seok Jeong
Sungshin Womens University