Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi
Vibrant WiFi


Vibrant WiFi

Internet wireless router

KT(Korea Telecom)

'The wireless internet router is an essential eyesore in the modern home.' The conventional router’s blinking lights, mechanical appearance, and unsightly antennae means that it is always hidden behind the TV or cabinet or under a desk. Vibrant WiFi comes with a variety of skin designs and colors to match your home’s style, so that you can keep your Vibrant WiFi out in the open. More than 10 million wireless units are being rented by users throughout Korea, and now with Vibrant WiFi skins, all of these units can double as interior design elements.

Client / Manufacturer
KT(Korea Telecom)

KT(Korea Telecom)

Seoul, KR
KT(Korea Telecom)

KT(Korea Telecom)

Seoul, KRMu Kim


Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea, KRKio Lee
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users