Vital Signs Monitor
Vital Signs Monitor
Vital Signs Monitor
Vital Signs Monitor


Vital Signs Monitor

Vital signs monitor

Shenzhen Viatom Technology Co., Ltd.

Checkme pro vital signs monitor is a health-testing and monitoring device that monitors ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen and pulse in one. It’s simple to use, easy to carry and highly intelligent, making it perfect for families, outdoor medical care, and community hospitals. The measurement of base data can be converted to the heart load, blood pressure, body peripheral circulation and related values to generate a general health curve, and combined with lifestyle metrics to discover bad habits that influence health. It has a good guidance and preventive effect on cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

Client / Manufacturer
Shenzhen Viatom Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Viatom Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen, CN

SaiXin Zhou

Shenzhen, CN

Shenzhen Perth Industrial Design Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Public Sector / Government