Walk on air
Walk on air
Walk on air
Walk on air


Walk on air

Baby stroller

The Walk on Air is a baby stroller designed to ensure maximum comfort for the babies and their parents. The elevated seat above the normal table height makes feeding the baby easier and the trapezium-shaped wheels are distributed to offer higher mobility in tighter areas without compromising stability. The seat’s base pivots 180 degrees allowing for the rear wheels to always remain in the rear without removing the seat. The seat also has a swing mechanism that makes up for uneven sidewalks or holes, acting together with one central and two front suspension fixtures to give the baby more comfort during the stroll.

Client / Manufacturer

Centro Universitário Belas Artes SP Desenho Industrial

São Paulo, BR

Leonardo Hatamura

São Paulo, BR

Centro Universitário Belas Artes SP Desenho Industrial

Leonardo Hatamura