WeChat Palm Service
WeChat Palm Service
WeChat Palm Service
WeChat Palm Service
WeChat Palm Service
WeChat Palm Service
WeChat Palm Service
WeChat Palm Service


WeChat Palm Service

Service Based on Biometrics

Tencent Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

WePalm uses the palm as a biometric login for WeChat identity, embodying the concepts "your palm is your identity" and "your palm is your wallet." Users can utilize WePalm for payments, taking the subway, accessing office buildings and gyms, dining in cafeterias, and much more. WePalm employs distinct palm textures and vein patterns for secure identification, even distinguishing identical twins. This "palm QR code" with epidermal and subcutaneous vein features is highly secure and unforgeable. Users can enjoy contactless, natural, hygienic, and secure gesture controls with WePalm's convenient technology.

Date of Launch
Development Time
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government