Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden
Whale Garden


Whale Garden

Playground design

The Whale Garden is a rare type of playground in Hong Kong which has incorporated both indoor and outdoor elements. It fully utilizes a sheltered space to allow children to continue their play time without being interrupted by poor weather. The playground comprises of whale- and giraffe-like play structures and a carpet with a flying chess board pattern which resembles three important elements of the earth – sea, land and sky. By bringing the children closer to Mother Nature, the “Sea, Land and Sky” theme triggers children’s imagination as they venture through the inside of the whale, climb onto the tall giraffe and whizz around the flying chess board.

Client / Manufacturer


Brøndby, DK
Play Concept Ltd.

Play Concept Ltd.

Cheung Sha Wan, HK
Play Concept Ltd.

Play Concept Ltd.

Cheung Sha Wan, HK
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User