WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp
WiZ Portrait table lamp


WiZ Portrait table lamp

Table lamp

Our working environment now goes beyond the small desk at work and expanded into our daily living space with "working from home" becoming a new norm. With WiZ Portrait table lamp, we wanted to bring new experience in the WFH environment with clever solutions that can help our user's daily working efficiency and bring light to areas where it's most needed. our design journey always begins with searching for new light experience and for "Portrait" we tried to bring the dynamics of light to our user through flexible dual light source top and bottom. the double sided light head not only makes the lamp richer in brightness and versatile in effect.

Client / Manufacturer


Eindhoven, NL

Signify Design

Eindhoven, NLShanghai, China
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users