"Wurzel und Triebe"
"Wurzel und Triebe"
"Wurzel und Triebe"
"Wurzel und Triebe"


"Wurzel und Triebe"

Invitation card

In 2007, the “Typografische Gesellschaft München” launched a series of talks titled “Roots and Motivations”. For each evening and talk, a designer or typographer was invited to speak about their career choice and their professional path. The accompanying invitations incorporate the title of that particular talk and implement it in a typographically experimental way by splitting the letters horizontally and creating them anew by combining two different fonts. Special halftone properties and the selected colors and fonts reflect the subject of the talk and the speaker. Partial use of lacquers refines the invitation even more.

Client / Manufacturer

Typographische Gesellschaft München e.V.

München, DE
häfelinger + wagner design

häfelinger + wagner design

München, DE