YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic
YES!IC Cosmetic


YES!IC Cosmetic

Health and beauty packaging

Shanghai ZhenLiang Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

YES! IC wanted a packaging that makes user experience the priority. Since Asian women are known to have small hands, we reduced the product size by 15%. The outer surface is coated in an elastic paint that gives it a soft skin-like touch and makes the container very comfortable to hold. The shape also means the user can open it with one hand. The concave shape of the pressed powder ideally accommodates the shape of the curved brush. The packaging has also been redesigned so that the fine powder no longer stains the powder box. The 3D stereo eye shadow uses 3D color grading technology and is also concave in shape so that the user can easily use a finger to apply.

Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Other target groups: Asian ladies