Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke
Yoga / Tina Schmincke


Yoga / Tina Schmincke

Business papers

Clear, concise and space-giving − just like the yoga school itself, the CD merges these features into a minimalist-visual and haptic appearance. The simple lettering symbolizes various yoga postures in a subtle manner through the use of blind embossing. In the classes as well as in the logo the aim is an invitation to sense, to perceive, to open up. The logo is complemented with a photo on the back showing the classic Iyengar yoga posture. This once again supports the concept rather than the concrete adherence to form.

Client / Manufacturer

Yoga Tina Schmincke

Münster, DE
Mit Biss. Kreative Kommunikations-Konzepte

Mit Biss. Kreative Kommunikations-Konzepte

Münster, DE