Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family
Zen Acoustic Luminaire family


Zen Acoustic Luminaire family

acoustic lighting

Zen Collection is a family of four ribbed-shape office lamps made of sound-absorbing material designed to provide both functional lighting and acoustic benefits in workspace setting. Each Zen luminaire is equipped with high quality lighting to ensure comfortable and glare-free environment for focused work. Ribbed panels set in the lamp at the right angle minimize noise, which is further dampened by bouncing between them. Its lampshade is crafted from a sound-absorbing material composed of recycled PET bottles, making it an environmentally responsible choice.

Client / Manufacturer


Warsaw, PL


Warsaw, PL
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, "architectural firms"