Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging
Zippo constellation limited edition packaging


Zippo constellation limited edition packaging

Lighter packaging

Zippo (China) Outdoor Product Co., Ltd.

The packaging of this constellation of Zippo lighters channels the company's core value: “We inspire.” The lighters are part of a high-end product line for Zippo, each lighter design based on one of the twelve zodiac signs. This packaging concept was developed as a limited edition with only a hundred units produced, created especially for true Zippo enthusiasts. The structure of the packaging is designed so it can stand upright and the lighters can be displayed in an inner round box, each lighter associated with a zodiac sign. Power up the display unit with a USB cable and the zodiac signs in the inner box center light up, a strong element of user engagement that also highlights the concept in a unique way.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Asia, Specific country/region: Mainland china
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Specific sub-group: Zippo enthusiastic