Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign
Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign


Zoo Basel Advertising Campaign


This poster for the Basel Zoo offers an alternative to how zoos worldwide are usually represented. Basel Zoo has taken a different approach, starting with a visual language that gradually developed into an entire cosmos. Photos were dispensed with entirely. In their place are illustrations that convey the various animal species as well as their character. The illustrations are charming and perfectly executed, transforming the animals into characters that make an emotional connection with the viewer, from "A to Zoo".

Client / Manufacturer

Zoo Basel

Basel, CH

jjsscc GmbH

Basel, CH
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: Switzerland
Target Groups
Consumer / User